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Immagine del redattoreSergio Plumari

What are the crossover skills from the square court to the square desk?

Finishing sport career is always traumatic. Often, the former athlete think that they do not have nothing to

bring into the normal office environment. For example, they do not how to use excel or a any other computer

programs, they never worked in the office.

However, the above view doesn't consider the full picture. Professional athlete can bring a lot of value in

the business due to the numerous skills they developed during the previous careers. Indeed, their past

experiences are shaping us and creating what we are today.

In my view the min crossover skills former professional athlete can bring to the business are the


Disciplined: Since when I was 13 years old I have been told the importance of punctuality and discipline.

For example it is unacceptable to arrive late at the practice, indeed you should always be ready for the

practice at least 15 minutes before it starts. Ready means you completed your warm up and you are ready

to start. Furthermore, time management is one of the first lesson the coach is telling you. One day my

coach approached me and explain me the importance to have a schedule how to improve yourself using that

the best the time you have availability. Using every single minute of your practice it is important to

make sure you develop the best version of yourself.

Team players: Win a game alone is impossible. Team win and lose, no the singular. Roles are

fundamental to archive the team goal. It is vital understand every single role in a determinate moment

and what the team need from you. Imperative is understand when the team need you and when an extra

miles is required from your side. The extra mile does not mean always do more but maybe to do a step

aside to leave space to someone is performing better than you in a particulate moment. The importance is

the team is winning and reaching the goals established

Performing under pression: Several athlete having practice every day for one year or more to per

maybe for few second or minutes. Image performing in a stadium which the majority of the audition is

against you. Althelte trasformate pression in a drive to push their self to reach better resulst.

Failure: One of the most famose sentenced said by Michael Jordan is: “I have failed many times, and

that’s why I am a success.”Growing I understand real failure does not exist. If you have a 'failure'

means you were there an trying to accomplish something. The real failure is when somebody is not trying

to accomplish their goal for several reason such as poor self estmeet dectated from somebody else or


All things considered the above are crucual skills athlete can bring into their new life in the business .

Nodoby is borning with such a skills, those need to be developed during years and a immense sacrifice

during the young age.

Maybe the square of a basketball court is not so different from a square desk.

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